Tour of the hardening plant HTM GmbH Chemnitz: Insights into surface layer hardening

Abschreckvorgang eines Einsatzhärteprozesses [HTM Chemnitz GmbH]

On Tuesday, 4 February 2025, the IKAT Strength Division undertook an educational tour of the facilities at Härtetechnik & Metallbearbeitungs GmbH. The objective of the tour was to gain in-depth insight into the intricacies of surface layer hardening and to acquire process-specific knowledge for the future implementation of these processes in research projects.The tour commenced with a cordial welcome from the management of HTM GmbH, following which the scientific staff were provided with an introduction to the company’s organisational structure and the competencies of the hardening department. This was followed by a detailed tour of the plant, during which the IKAT team was able to inspect the plant technology of the various surface hardening processes, such as induction, case hardening and nitriding, and follow the hardening processes live.The technical exchange between the IKAT scientists and the experts from HTM Chemnitz was particularly noteworthy, with the knowledge gained enabling the scientific staff to gain a better understanding of the process-specific processes and their influencing parameters. The expertise gained can be used to prevent faults during heat treatment and to draw conclusions about the causes of damage to surface-hardened components.

The visit underlined the importance of close cooperation between science and industry in order to drive technological progress and expand the expertise of both sides. The IKAT’s Strength Division and Härterei HTM GmbH Chemnitz see great potential for future collaboration and joint exchange in research and development.