Since 30.06.2019 Mr. Friedemann Reiß is unfortunately no longer a research assistant and colleague at the Chair of Machine Elements and Product Development. He is an esteemed expert who has gained six years of knowledge and practical experience in the field of friction coefficient determination at the Institute of Design and Drive Technology (IKAT). In addition, a friction coefficient database has been developed, which is used as a knowledge repository for joining partners with a wide variety of surface structures, coatings and materials. Mr. Silvano Oehme has already succeeded Mr. Reiß for several months, so that a complete continuation of the friction coefficient investigations could be implemented. Furthermore, Mr. Reiß was a respected contact person and trainer for students in the fields of study design teaching/machine elements I+II as well as methodical design. We regret his leaving and wish him all the best and much success with his new employer as well as with the finalization of his PhD thesis.
Friction expert leaves

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