On 27 and 28 June 2018 Prof. Hasse, Björn Prase and Marko Ebermann were at the Otto von Guericke Universität in Magdeburg for the Project Support Committee for Plain Bearings (FVV/FVA). The event was hosted by the Institute for Machine Design (IMK) under Prof. Barthel. On the first day, in addition to the intensive networking during the breaks, the interesting presentations from current major projects were also listened to. The day could end in the Magdeburger Ratskeller in a cosy vaulted atmosphere. On the second day, Mr Prase and Mr Ebermann presented the status of the projects „Damage Tolerance on Plain Bearings“ and „Influence of Form Deviations“. New proposals for topics were also discussed in great detail.
FVA/FVV project support committee plain bearings

Categories: News-Englisch
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