Publication in the journal Mechanism and Machine Theory

One of the research fields at the Professorship MP is the development of new methods for the design of compliant mechanisms. The continuum-based approaches employed involve formal optimization techniques to synthesize mechanical systems whose function relies on the deformation of elastic areas.

A new method for the topology optimization of selective compliant mechanisms was developed. The formulation of the optimization problem allows to design a compliant mechanism in such a way that it responds to external forces with a predefined, desired kinematics in a load-independent manner. This method has been extended by Ms. Stephanie Kirmse by incremental linearization of the optimization problem, which allows the application of more efficient and stable linear optimization algorithms.

The result of this research has now been published in the renowned journal Mechanism and Machine Theory. In the publication, the novel synthesis method is presented, demonstrated by several numerical examples and eventually verified experimentally. For this purpose, a prototype of one of the presented shape-adaptive examples (see picture) was produced through 3D printing and successfully benchmarked with the numerical results.

The paper is freely available until 29.01.2021 via the following link:,28z4NJAI


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