Every six months ─ in spring and fall ─ the information conferences scheduled by the Research Association for Combustion Engines (FVV) take place. At these conferences, German and international institutes present their FVV-funded research projects in the categories „Efficiency, Materials and Turbomachinery“. At this year’s FVV autumn meeting, IKAT had the honor to present the research results of the expiring project „Strength verification of friction fatigue“ in the person of Mr. Knabner. The presentation was well received by the audience of almost 300 high-ranking representatives of the industry. After almost three years of virtual meetings, the autumn conference could again be realized as a presentation event for the first time.
IKAT would like to thank the staff of FVV for the successful organization of the event.
Presentation of research results at the FVV autumn conference

Categories: News-Englisch