Reorganization of the plain bearing test area

Gleitlagerprüfstand 110mm

The institute’s test field is in a constant state of change. Due to the diversity and the frequent change of research topics, hardly any test bench remains as it is. Currently, the test benches of the research groups of the professorship are still located in one common area. This is to change, as space for conducting experiments in particular is becoming more and more limited.

The first step in the direction of optimizing testing and space is currently being taken by the Plain Bearing Research Group, which has already been able to overhaul the large GLP110 plain bearing test bench (article photo) at the end (gate) of Hall G. In a second step, the test bench GLP30 will follow, which is to be moved from the original test area to this area. In this step, further optimizations are to be implemented to improve the handling of the test bench for faster and even safer test execution. In addition, the test field of the Plain Bearing group will be expanded in the future to include a test rig that will permit tests in operating ranges of up to 40,000 rpm.

In this context, we would like to thank our technicians Sebastian Radtke and Christopher Kühn, who were able to implement the modifications during ongoing testing operations. We would also like to thank the mechanical and electrical workshop of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


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