T-PAPER at ISE 2019 – 17th International Symposium on Electrets in Ireland

The T-PAPER project goes to the University of Limerick in September.

Dr. Xunlin Qiu will present the latest developments of our technology to the scientific community and manufacturing industry. He will also talk about our T-Box.  The IEEE ISE 2019 event includes international guest speakers, workshops and exhibitions. The symposium in Limerick is also an ideal meeting ground for industry to hear from researchers on their latest innovations and practical applications.

T-Paper presented at XXI. Polygraphical Symposium of Chespa

pmTUC was invited by Chespa to present the current developments of printed electronics and especially the T-Paper project at the XXI. Polygraphical Symposium under the headline „The future starts today“ in Opole, Poland. More than 400 visitors enjoyed a mixed program with technical but also economy and politics related talks.

The presentation of pmTUC was given by Dr. Georg C. Schmidt, project leader, with the title „T-Paper – On the way to roll-to-roll printed loudspeaker paper“. Additionally, a special sounding edition of a coffee-set package incorporating T-Paper was presented for the first time in cooperation with Chespa. This so-called „T-Box“ starts to sound while opening the smart package.

We would like to thank the organizers of the symposium for the opportunity to present our developments to so many guests of Chespa!