T-PAPER put their heads together about remaining months of the project

T-PAPER had a team meeting to discuss successful last months and to brainstorm about new applications of a T-Paper.

Dr. Georg Schmidt gave update and set new proposals for the next months of the project. All this time we were advancing our technology and moving closer to our final goal! We also welcomed a new team member. Varvara Bachul is responsible for marketing and costing. She will also support the T-PAPER project during commercialization.

Our team consists of researchers from all over the world: Sri-Lanka, Colombia, China, India, Russia and Germany. So we are full of energy and looking forward to the next successful months!

T-PAPER at ISE 2019 – 17th International Symposium on Electrets in Ireland

The T-PAPER project goes to the University of Limerick in September.

Dr. Xunlin Qiu will present the latest developments of our technology to the scientific community and manufacturing industry. He will also talk about our T-Box.  The IEEE ISE 2019 event includes international guest speakers, workshops and exhibitions. The symposium in Limerick is also an ideal meeting ground for industry to hear from researchers on their latest innovations and practical applications.