Photo: Katrin Pötschke / University Library Chemnitz
At the beginning of 2021, we would like to inform you about new offers and changes in the area of the digital University Library, which is always available for you. From home students and employees of the TU Chemnitz can also access our digital holdings (ebooks, ejournals, databases). All you need for this is a current URZ login and a VPN connection to the campus network.
We have compiled the new licenses and changes in the eoffers of Chemnitz University Library for you in a structured overview.
Below we would like to inform you about some of them in more detail:
The journal Science of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is considered, along with Nature, to be one of the most important journals publishing articles on overarching topics in the natural sciences. For many years we have had the journal in print in our holdings, but in 2021 we were also able to license the online access.
Statista International
Our usage studies have shown that the statistics portal Statista is very popular with our users. Requests for the international edition of the database have prompted us to extend our license to Statista International, which provides a large number of statistics, branch-specific macro data, trends and forecasts.
Springer (E-Book Collections)
The interdisciplinary portal SpringerLink provides access to licensed information resources of the Springer Nature Group. These include ejournals and ebooks as well as electronic book series and reference works. In addition to the newly available German ebook collections, which we – as far as possible – add to our holdings for you every year, we were also able to license some English collections, backfiles and archives this year.
Campus (E-Book Collection)
For the first time, we were able to acquire a sociology ebook collection from the socio-economically focused Campus Verlag. It contains more than 60 titles, such as the monograph „Der arbeitende Nutzer: Über den Rohstoff des Überwachungskapitalismus“ by G. Günter Voß or the textbook „Lehrbuch der Soziologie“ by Joas and Mau in the current edition.
Human Kinetics (E-Book Collection)
The Human Kinetics Library is a platform that offers ebooks focusing on sports and fitness. The textbooks are very suitable for use in digital teaching, especially since access is not limited. The monographs include titles such as „Plant-based sports nutrition“ and, corona-related, very relevant titles such as „Motivating people to be physically active“ or „Physical Activity and mental health“.
The database zbMATH is a comprehensive source of bibliographic data, reviews and abstracts from all areas of pure mathematics as well as from its application areas. Until now, we had licensed this database for you, but starting in 2021, the database will be transferred to an Open Access platform. The new format zbMATH Open will then be freely accessible worldwide.
The platform SpringerMaterials is a collection of several databases containing comprehensive information on the properties of materials from physics, chemistry, engineering, materials science and other disciplines. In addition to the ongoing licensing of current contents of the data collection, from 2021 we have also acquired a permanent access to the archives of Landolt-Börnstein as well as MSI Eureka for you.
We wish you a successful start into the new year and a lot of pleasure in learning, researching or simply browsing through our new eoffers