Photo: Katrin Pötschke / University Library Chemnitz
Whether in the library, on campus or from home the e-offers (e-books, e-journals, databases) of the university library are always available for you. We have revised our digital offerings for the year 2023 as well. Herewith we would like to inform you about innovations and changes in this area.
We have compiled all information on the expansion of the e-book range as well as innovations and changes in licensing for you in a structured overview.
Below we would like to inform you about some of them in more detail.
EBS Models
Evidence Based Selection models are a type of user-driven acquisition. For a specified period of time (1-3 years), a library acquires the rights to use a selection of e-books from a publisher, which can be used without restriction during the licensing period. At the end of the term, the library can purchase some e-books permanently for the amount of the licensing cost. For this purpose, it uses usage statistics provided by the publishers. Chemnitz University Library has licensed EBS packages from the publishers Beck, Elsevier, Narr, Nomos, Pearson, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht and Wiley for 2023.
The successor product to the Perinorm database in the field of standards management from Beuth Verlag has been available since the middle of November 2022. So far, the new interface was still running in parallel with the old Perinorm database, but this was finally switched off at the beginning of the new year. More information about Nautos is available in our blog post.
AVA streaming platform
Since October 2022, it has been possible to watch arthouse films of various genres and categories via the provider AVA. In addition to movies, short films and documentaries can be streamed that are rarely seen outside of festivals and are not available from commercial providers. AVA works with renowned European film festivals and film providers to select the content. Important: The films are only accessible on the campus network and for TU members from home via the VPN client. The offer is limited to two years.
Especially for the new Therapy Master in Psychology the database PsycTHERAPY has been licensed. There you will find digital video recordings of authentic psychotherapeutic conversations in which concretely the used therapeutic procedures can be observed.
We wish you a lot of pleasure in learning, researching and browsing through our new e-offers.