Scopus is a huge information database. Your publications as a researcher can be spread over several profiles. Avoid this by linking your ORCID profile to Scopus.
This will allow Scopus to link all your profiles with similar names (e.g. D. Del Duca, Del Duca Davide, David Del Duca) to a single ORCID ID to avoid duplicate entries that may affect the chances of your research being found.
Visit this link ( and click on “Start”. A dialogue box will open asking you to give Scopus access to your ORCID ID.

Scopus to ORCID dialogue box
You will then be forwarded to Scopus where you will be presented with a list of similar names. After selecting your profile and the publications linked to your profile, ORCID collects your publication information and saves it to your ORCID ID.
When you publish there will be no more duplicates of your name and your research will be linked only to you.
If you need help or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.