“I’ll upload the script to Opal”. Every student at TU Chemnitz has come across this magical sentence. No sooner this wonderful sentence has been heard the “I have to take everything down very quickly” pressure is eliminated immediately.
Opal does not mean the beautiful and elegant looking stone that some people use to bring good luck. No, OPAL stands for the abbreviation for an online learning platform used by many universities. Written out it means „Online-Plattform für Akademisches Lehren und Lernen”, which means: “Online platform for academic teaching and learning” in English.
The OPAL portal enables lecturers to organize their learning material and share it with selected learning groups. In addition, tests for learning control can be created, grades of certain modules can be transmitted, or forums can be used to communicate with course participants. In short – time-independent learning and communication works among all teachers and students at TU Chemnitz.
To enable learning quickly and easily regardless of location, OPAL was linked to the TUC app. Users of the TUC app can use the feature to enter their individual courses, access their learning content on their mobile device and download or save it on their own smartphone / tablet.
Whether on the beach in Mallorca, with the submarine in the Atlantic or on a hike in the Alps. Thanks to OPAL and the TUC app, you can now learn anywhere and at any time.