Every now and then students receive emails from OPAL courses or groups in which they no longer participate or from which you cannot unsubscribe. From the user’s and teacher’s point of view, we present where the cause can be sought and remedied.
OPAL: Receiving e-mails from a course without being enrolled?
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Create interactive web content with H5P
With H5P you can quickly and easily design your teaching and learning scenarios with interactive content. At Chemnitz University of Technology, the Wordpress plugin is available for the creation – the content can then be integrated into OPAL offers as well as on the website.
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E-learning website in new design
Since 1 April, the e-learning website of the TU Chemnitz has been providing information in a new design. In this way, it provides a quick overview of tools, possibilities and best practices for both the target group of teachers and students.
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For students: OPAL – The learning platform at the TU Chemnitz briefly introduced
Welcome to the Chemnitz University of Technology. Your studies are starting and many new tasks and impressions are pelting down on you? You are planning your courses and they all take place in OPAL? You don’t know what and where OPAL is exactly? Here you can find out the most important things.
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How do I create an OPAL account as an external user?
Users with a TUC account can access the OPAL learning platform via this account. Guest students can also attend lectures in OPAL, provided that they have been approved for this purpose. In addition, you need to create your own OPAL account – we explain how to do this. | Update from 2.9.2022: Video instruction
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Accessibility authentication BigBlueButton BSI collaboration courses database digital teaching E-Mail Feedback guest auditor H5P hybrid teaching Interaction IT-Security Kerberos learning platform Meeting MFA OPAL Particify PDF Phishing PHP Poll Ransomware recordings Security senior college Software Spam Stata storage system students TUCAL TUCApp Update User Forum video conference video conferences videoconferences Web Services Websiteervices Webtools Zoom