We would like to update the central web servers from PHP version 7.4 to 8.2 at the end of October 2024 and ask you to check your websites now. Please access them on our test servers provided for this purpose.
WWW-Server Update: From PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2
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Polls and Live Feedback – News from Particify
On 21.2.2023, the Audience Response System Particify was updated. Besides changes in the Q&A section and a new question type, it brings a deletion routine for two years of inactive users.
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BigBlueButton 2.4: New features
On Tuesday, November 30th, 2021, our BigBlueButton cluster has been updated to the latest version 2.4. In the following article, we will introduce new features and improvements to you.
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Accessibility Android App certificates Chat Cisco collaboration communication DFNconf digital teaching E-Mail Evaluation Feedback Filter Home Office Information lectures live recording maintenance Microsoft Office Mobile Work mp4 MySQL ONYX OPAL PC Phishing Poll privacy Research search Security Social Engineering Software Software Board Software Needs Spam Teaching TUCApp Update video conference videoconference video conferences virtual background Web Services