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Do you enjoy programming? Would you like to learn more about programming? Then we, the TUCapp development team, have something for you! Today we want to show you where you can test your programming skills and learn something new. We have created a guide for React Native app development.

What is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript framework for building native cross-platform mobile apps. Expo is a complementary toolkit for this. It offers many additional APIs and is very helpful for app development. We will show you on the following website how to set up the Expo environment and which processes you can use to program:

React Native App Tutorial

Eager to try?

Work throug the chapters 1 to 6 together with our tutorial author Aaditya Prakash and develop a responsive app. You are welcome to send your result to the support team of the university computer center at Chemnitz University of Technology. We are also at your disposal for questions and assistance regarding the process.