Quelle: oxygenweb.de (Bernd Hahn)
Why does this e-book not open? Is there any better literature than the one I have found so far? How do I format the paragraphs in my LaTeX document? What license do I apply to my materials to make them available as OER? How do I find a suitable repository for my research data?
Individual consulting for ALL
In order to support everyone in solving his/her individual problem in the best possible way, Chemnitz University Library has developed a new, wide-ranging consulting service. Since October 2020, staff from the library, the University Computer Center and the Patent Information Center have been offering advice for EVERYONE in a new format. In personal meetings, the experts answer individual questions on topics such as research, scientific writing and publishing. This offer expands the “subject-specific consultation hours”, which until the beginning of the year were regularly offered in the old library locations, as far as content, personnel and characteristics are concerned.
Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion
With the new concept, the University Library wants to open itself up even more than before to all groups of users* in a sustainable way, also in line with the motto of this year’s Open Access Week “Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion”.
And this is how it works
On the supply page of the University Library you can search for the subject area to which you assign your question. (If you are unsure, you can contact the general information desk, which will pass it on). You will be directed to a booking form where you select a desired date and briefly describe your question. After sending the form, the appointment is reserved for a personal interview with the consultant. It can be agreed individually whether the conversation should be face-to-face or by telephone. A consultation by e-mail is also possible.
Like so many other things, the Corona pandemic is restricting this new service for the time being, so that advice can currently only be provided via virtual channels. In the future, however, personal consultations are to be held again in the new rooms of the university library.