In the OPAL course TU Chemnitz Software Board you, as an employee of the TU Chemnitz, have the opportunity to enroll in different groups if you are interested in software products. A new addition is a needs assessment for the statistical software Stata.
Do you need the software Stata?
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TUCmessages – Current status in pilot operation
Since the introduction of our chat service TUCmessages in 2020, this possibility for quick exchange has been actively used in many project and study groups. As part of the pilot phase, various system settings were to be tested in addition to evaluating different usage scenarios for teamwork and teaching. Based on the initial results, an update…
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Citavi campus license has started
The Citavi literature management software has been available to all staff and students since March 2023 through the conclusion of a campus contract.
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End of support for MS Office 2013
The manufacturer support (supply with security updates) for MS Office 2013 ends on 11 April 2023. This requires an update of corresponding installations.
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Opening Hours: Computer Education Pools and User Services in Winter Semester 22/23
The University Computer Centre manages a total of 12 education pools at different locations. The PC workstations there have a broad portfolio of application software that can be used free of charge. They are available for the implementation of practical courses as well as for individual students work. Due to the pandemic, the pool rooms […]
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